ঝিনেদার কাগজ || Jhenedar kagoj

২৩শে ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
সংবাদ শিরোনাম
কালীগঞ্জ ফেমাস মেরিট কেয়ার একাডেমি


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An easy way to add a sitemap on one of your pages becomes reality thanks to this WordPress plugin. Just use the shortcode [wp_sitemap_page] on any of your pages. This will automatically generate a sitemap of all your pages and posts.

Be carefull, this plugin do not generate an XML sitemap. It only allow you to list all your pages and posts on a single page. This is a sitemap for human not for search engines bots.

Why this plugin is useful?

Such a sitemap is useful for many reasons:

Current features

  • Display all pages, posts and categories
  • Display the Custom Post Type (such as: “event”, “book” …)
  • Display the taxonomies
  • Display only one kind of content using the attribute “only”, like [wp_sitemap_page only="page"]
  • Easy to use
  • Possibility to customize the way it will be displayed through the admin panel
  • Possibility to exclude some pages or some Custom Post Type (CPT)
  • Posts and categories displayed hierarchically
  • Has CSS class to customize it if you want
  • Available in multi-languages (cf. English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Persian …). You can add your own translation if you want

Want a WordPress developer? Want to add a translation? Feel free to contact me.
